Balloonapark event, an international festival dedicated to balloon art.
Since 2013, Uncleballoons is the artistic director of Balloonapark event, with many international balloons artists
With it’s parnership with the city of Villeneuve la Garenne, « Compagnie Tontonballons » organises every year since 2014 an international balloon festival dedicated to balloon art. During this week, people from a dozen of countries meet for an event including classes, competition, and creation of HUGE balloons sculptures !
Classes are managed by international instructors from France or forhein countries, The festival was hosting balloon artists from South Corea, Canada, Gautemala, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Germany, Nederlands, Italy…
The festival ends with a giant street parade with 30 000 to 40 000 balloons which fits in the program of « City Party » of Villeneuve la Garenne.